Film projection «Si les glaciers ne revenaient pas» and panel discussion
Tuesday 25 march 2025 - 18h to 20h - Le Nucleo (Bâtiment Vortex, Rte de Praz Véguey 29, 1022 Chavannes-près-Renens)
By the end of the century, most Alpine glaciers will have disappeared. What will become of the Valais "bisses", the traditional irrigation networks that rely on glacier meltwater? Mountain agriculture, tourism, energy production and ecosystems will all be impacted. Water will be increasingly at the heart of the debate. Are the "bisses" a solution rather than a problem, thanks to their collective management?
The film and panel discussion will both be in french with english subtitles. Questions can be asked in english or french. The event is free and open to everyone.
About: reProjecting Science aims to share unique scientific documentaries and delve deeper into their subjects through vivid panel discussions with filmmakers, experts and the audience. Inspired by the United Nations' declaration of 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation, the 1st edition of reProjecting Science will explore the science around glacier preservation and the hidden challenges related to cultural heritage, indigenous communities and gender inequalities
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